All stories by Ambassador T P SREENIVASAN

Can Jaishankar Be Another Kissinger?

Can Jaishankar Be Another Kissinger?

Rediff.com4 May 2022

Someone suggested Jaishankar was a potential Kissinger who could try and resolve the Russia-Ukraine imbroglio through his intellectual and diplomatic strengths. But calling the spade a spade on issues like imperialism, colonialism and exploitation, he would have raised many eyebrows in the West at a time when the fractures and wounds needed to be treated and healed, observes Ambassador T P Sreenivasan.

US introduces Russia benchmarks into India relations

US introduces Russia benchmarks into India relations

Rediff.com12 Apr 2022

The pressure on India to take a hostile attitude towards Russia and China was not subtle, but it was guarded, observes Ambassador T P Sreenivasan after Monday's 2+2 ministerial meeting in Washington, DC.

India's Tightrope Walk Over Ukraine

India's Tightrope Walk Over Ukraine

Rediff.com27 Feb 2022

Now, as before, India's vote at the UN was dictated by paramount national interests. Though the Indian vote was 'neutral', its explanation was explicit in its criticism of the Russian actions. India took back with the left hand what it had given with the right, explains Ambassador T P Sreenivasan.

Biden's Democracy Summit Fails To Impress

Biden's Democracy Summit Fails To Impress

Rediff.com13 Dec 2021

The Summit for Democracy seems to have done more harm than good, notes Ambassador T P Sreenivasan.

For Now, US and China Settle for Cold Peace

For Now, US and China Settle for Cold Peace

Rediff.com17 Nov 2021

A genuine attempt was made to reset relations in a positive way, signalling a stepping back from the brink of conflict, much to the relief of the world, observes Ambassador T P Sreenivasan.

B S Prakash: 'A good man left us well before time'

B S Prakash: 'A good man left us well before time'

Rediff.com5 Oct 2021

'Those who worked with him or came to know him rated him as one of our best, with a sharp intellect, unfailing courtesy and ready wit.' Ambassador T P Sreenivasan fondly remembers Ambassador B S Prakash, wonderful human being, unusual diplomat and long-time columnist, who passed away into the ages on Monday, October 4, 2021.

China Focus of Modi-Biden, Quad Summits

China Focus of Modi-Biden, Quad Summits

Rediff.com25 Sep 2021

The bilateral and Quad summits, in which Prime Minister Modi played a significant role, has sent the right message to China, observes Ambassador T P Sreenivasan.

Will India recognise a Taliban govt?

Will India recognise a Taliban govt?

Rediff.com30 Aug 2021

'We have been bold and innovative on recognition in the past and we do not need to rush,' advises Ambassador T P Sreenivasan.

Does Biden trust India?

Does Biden trust India?

Rediff.com29 Jul 2021

The Blinken visit indicated that the Biden administration is still somewhat tentative about the specifics of its relations with India, observes Ambassador T P Sreenivasan, who has served multiple stints at India's embassy in Washington, DC.

Decoding the Kamala Harris Phenomenon

Decoding the Kamala Harris Phenomenon

Rediff.com20 Jul 2021

Kamala succeeded as she identified herself with the larger minority groups rather than narrow ethnicity, prodded by her mother who did not want to return to India, observes Ambassador T P Sreenivasan, who has done multiple stints in India's embassy in Washington, DC.

Fear of Pandemic, Xi and Putin unite G7

Fear of Pandemic, Xi and Putin unite G7

Rediff.com14 Jun 2021

As President Biden moves ahead with a new 'strategic concept' for China and Russia, the going is bound to get rough for the US and its G7 partners, notes Ambassador T P Sreenivasan.

UN race over before it begins

UN race over before it begins

Rediff.com1 Jun 2021

The race for the UN secretary-general for 2022-2027 is already over and another term for Antonio Guterres is a foregone conclusion, observes Ambassador T P Sreenivasan.

Biden's 'mild shock' to Modi

Biden's 'mild shock' to Modi

Rediff.com29 Apr 2021

The trust some people in India had that the Biden-Harris administration would be friendly to India has been eroded already, observes Ambassador T P Sreenivasan.

India-Pakistan: A New Beginning?

India-Pakistan: A New Beginning?

Rediff.com14 Apr 2021

'No prime minister of India is averse to normalise relations with Pakistan, if it is possible to do so without altering our fundamental position on Jammu and Kashmir,' notes Ambassador T P Sreenivasan.

Silent guns on LoC raise hopes of peace

Silent guns on LoC raise hopes of peace

Rediff.com1 Mar 2021

An agreement between India and Pakistan, however tenuous, has its own meaning and impact. We have not heard the last word about the ceasefire agreement, observes Ambassador T P Sreenivasan.

Where does India stand in Biden's America?

Where does India stand in Biden's America?

Rediff.com19 Feb 2021

The reduction of tension on the Chinese border may have reduced the urgency of a Biden-Modi meeting, but the sooner Modi starts a bromance with Biden the better as he had done with Obama and Trump, suggests Ambassador T P Sreenivasan.

Diplomatic Battles on Capitol Hill

Diplomatic Battles on Capitol Hill

Rediff.com28 Jan 2021

Lobbying on the Hill is time consuming and cumbersome, but very effective to influence US government policies, asserts Ambassador T P Sreenivasan, deputy chief of mission at the Indian embassy in Washington, DC after the 1998 nuclear tests and during the Kargil War.

US Plays the Tibet Card

US Plays the Tibet Card

Rediff.com4 Jan 2021

China is acutely conscious of the need for the next Dalai Lama to be under its control. It was for this reason that China recently stressed their claim on Arunachal Pradesh. There were rumours that the next Dalai Lama may be found in Tawang. If that happens, India-China relations will become tense and there may be demands for the child to be handed over to the Chinese, points out Ambassador T P Sreenivasan.

How will Biden deal with Iran?

How will Biden deal with Iran?

Rediff.com3 Dec 2020

The reversal of Trump's policy with regard to Iran, like the withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, may not be a matter of just turning the clock back, but one of patient negotiations, with uncertain consequences in the post-COVID-19 world, observes Ambassador T P Sreenivasan.

Why Obama is critical of India in his book

Why Obama is critical of India in his book

Rediff.com20 Nov 2020

He had come in search of jobs in America to rescue his presidency and India failed him in more ways than one, observes Ambassador T P Sreenivasan.

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